Managing Resources







 Best Value Findings 2008/2013


  • The council demonstrates sound financial management. Budgets and service plans are considered together, but there is scope to link financial resources more effectively to council priorities and to introduce longer-term financial planning.
  • The council is developing a formal approach to asset management planning. The council does not yet have a strategic plan for asset management, but it has a clear idea of the investment levels required, which are significant. Joint working takes place with other bodies, but more can be done to take a more joined-up approach across the council.
  • Risk management has been slow to develop and is not effective. A start has been made but there is much to do before systematic risk management is embedded across council business
  • The council has a central procurement function operated in partnership with Aberdeen City Council, which has been identified as a centre of excellence for procurement by Scotland Excel. A clear procurement strategy remains to be established and staffing issues resolved.
  • The council is making some efficiency savings, although slippage in improving procurement has meant that anticipated savings are taking longer than expected to achieve. Overall, a much more rigorous and systematic approach needs to be taken to identify, deliver and capture efficiencies on a continuing basis.
  • The council has a comprehensive approach to people management through a workforce strategy and action plan. It is aware of the challenges it faces in recruiting and retaining staff and in maintaining a skilled and resilient workforce. The council works well with staff and their representatives to address these challenges through a variety of initiatives and can demonstrate progress in reducing sickness absence among staff and increasing the number of participants in the Worksmart programme.

Where are we now ?


  • Our most recent annual audit report confirms that our financial management is effective, enabling the council to take appropriate action as required
  • Aberdeenshire Council has established a Strategic Change Board to monitor major programmes. Processes are in place to prioritise activity and track expenditure through financial monitoring and benefits realisation.
  • Appropriate arrangements are in place for officers and elected members to scrutinise financial management and lead on strategic financial planning
  • The financial monitoring and planning for the Health and Social Care Partnership is co-ordinated in line with overall council planning
  • Procurement is based on a collaborative approach across three councils to support efficient resource management
  • We have a Corporate Asset Management Plan 2015-2020 and associated fifteen-year General Capital Fund which support our priorities
  • We have significant assets supported by our Housing Revenue Account and the HRA Capital Plan
  • WorkSMART and flexible working practices are effective in supporting the delivery of services and meeting customers’ needs
  • Workforce planning is a priority. Increased population and developments in areas such as Early Learning and Childcare have resulted in some staff increases. This is counter-balanced by a strategic approach to managing the workforce efficiently in line with budget and resources
  • We are committed to providing appropriate training, development and support for the workforce
  • Digital skills and approaches are an inherent part of our approach to delivering in an efficient and effective way
  • Information Governance and Security is important in protecting high value assets and we seek to manage it effectively to ensure we get best value from it
  • We have an environment and climate change policy and a progressive commitment to ensuring that sustainability is at the core of our council.

What are our key challenges ?

Finances and resources are coming under increasing pressure and our challenge is to ensure that we plan and deliver services effectively and efficiently within the budgets available to us. Decisions will need to be made which may result in services changing and it is imperative that we know and understand our communities and are able to clearly explain the impact of changes to them. On-going work is required on the Medium-Term Financial Strategy to ensure that there is a multi-year plan to support the delivery of services, planning for savings and co-ordinating the key resources available to us. Working through formal and informal partnership arrangements will be required to deliver in an increasingly joined-up and mature way.

Where are we going?


  • Continue to develop strategic and operational approaches to financial and resource planning which reflect the budget challenges that we face
  • Develop further joined-up approaches to financial planning in partnership, for instance the Health and Social Care Partnership
  • Ensure that shared and collaborative approaches to procurement lead to efficient and effective provision of resources to deliver services for communities
  • Monitor and review our Corporate Asset Management Plan and General Capital Fund to support our priorities
  • Plan and implement the office space strategy, WorkSMART and flexible working practices to deliver services in a modern and efficient way
  • Ensure our workforce planning strategy reflects the needs of the council and the services we provide
  • Continue to use and develop digital approaches to maximise effectiveness of services, customer access and workforce skills
  • Keep sustainability and climate issues at the centre of our planning and delivery