Partnership Working







Best Value Findings 2008/2013


  • Community Planning has helped strengthen relationships by bringing CPP partners together on local issues, but there remains uncertainty among partners about how the overall framework should work.
  • The development of risk management has been slow, and although the council works well with partners on individual projects, improved leadership is required to ensure that the CPP works more effectively together to deliver better outcomes and services.
  • The council is committed to community engagement and is very active in seeking the views of the local community, making widespread use of surveys. However, this work could be more effective, with no systematic approach to consistently inform policy and service delivery. An opportunity is being missed to share experiences and best practice, and to improve coordination of all community engagement activity.

Where are we now?


  • We are committed to Community Empowerment and providing a voice and means for all in communities to participate, grow and improve.
  • Partnership working is a strength of Aberdeenshire Council and there are many initiatives and activities that the council will look to deliver through partnership as our preferred way of working.
  • The Community Planning Partnership and its priorities have undergone an extensive review. The CPP addresses issues of socio-economic inequality in communities. The Local Outcome Improvement Plan reflects priorities where the greatest improvement can be delivered through the co-ordinated efforts of partners.
  • Collaborative working is a growing area where working together provides mutual benefits. Aberdeenshire Council has contributed to collaborative working in many ways-for instance we had a leading role in the formation of the Northern Alliance Regional Improvement Collaborative and are leading the way nationally with our work with the Regional Improvement Collaborative.
  • Our role in the Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership is working to integrate services and manage budgets to deliver positive outcomes, and our work has been recognised at national level.
  • We are committed to the Regional Economic Strategy and action plan to deliver successful economic outcomes for the north east.
  • The City Region Dealis a key driver for economic development and our leading role in this has contributed to its nationally recognised performance.

What are our key challenges?


The inevitable challenges of the financial landscape require innovative approaches for delivering quality of services for communities. A challenge will be to maintain provision that communities are used to and expect as well as changing the dynamic and the ways that we work with communities to empower and enable them to grow. The economic climate remains uncertain and it will be a continuing challenge to work effectively with partners to maximise benefits. 


Where are we going?


  • We are committed to further developing our approach to Community Empowerment, which is particularly important in a time of financial uncertainty. We are also committed to developing the capacity of our communities so they can self-determine and thrive with less dependency on public services.
  • We will continue to build on collaborative working with the belief that joined-up working will provide greater cohesion and quality for all.
  • Further ways of improving the approach and impact of the Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership will be a priority
  • Continuing to implement the City Region Deal and continue to secure further inward investment to enable the Regional Economic Strategy to be achieved.